Spring/Summer Semester 2014
As Winter begins to wind down the days are growing increasingly longer, the buds on the trees begin to swell and the sap begins to flow. We find ourselves well rested after a Winter of long nights and as our energy begins to surge we are once again reminded that we are not separate from the world around us.Our thoughts turn to Spring as we contemplate plowing a new garden plot, starting seedlings, buying piglets and chicks, wild harvesting, and wine and beer making will be filling our farming days. We are sawing lumber for,cold frames, chicken tractors, and a small greenhouse(from our stack of salvaged windows). Raised beds and barn rafters, a hog house and pen, and windows to trim our shop.
As the Tiny House movement gains momentum we will begin construction on our third one to sell as part of our fundraising campaign.
The seafood season will be in full vigor as the days turn past the Summer Solstice. We will spend long days in the gardens and fields and many long evenings around the Mediterranean Grill and outdoor Bake Oven feasting on the fruits of our labor.
To this end, Stone Soup Institute is offering a Spring/Summer semester to four students who are curious and adventuresome enough to explore the learning opportunities on a small homestead in coastal Maine.
The Curriculum
- Gardening and Crops
- planting and tending seedlings
- direct seeding crops
- Animal Husbandry
- selection and care of piglets
- selection and care of broilers and laying chicks
- use and care of draft horses
- Building
- tiny house
- cold frame
- greenhouse
- hog pen
- chicken tractor
- raised beds
- installation of windows and doors
- Craft
- wild harvesting
- wine making
- beer making
- baking in a wood-fired outdoor oven
- grilling on Mediterranean style Community Grill
- Introduction to Fiber Arts
- Introduction to Blacksmithing
The educational experience is designed around the practical skills and seasonal rhythms associated with maintaining a small homestead.
The primary delivery of the curriculum is through the hands-on experience where students are expected to be self-motivated and able to self-evaluate, as there is no required reading, or testing.
Living Arrangements
Participants in this semester will live in a 2000 square foot house
built by Jim Cornish, the co-founder of Stone Soup Institute. There is also a 16 foot diameter tipi and campsites available.
In the house, there are two bedrooms available to students; one in the north end and one in the south end each will sleep two students.
Students will prepare meals using the electric stove, outdoor grill and bake oven. Meals are served on a common table.
There is one television with cable, VCR and DVD. There is computer access and wireless internet.
Social Opportunities
Stone Soup Institute is located on Harpswell Neck, a peninsula that
is nine miles long and ½ mile wide at its widest point. There are miles
of shoreline to explore within walking distance of the house, miles of
public trails for hiking.
A small general store and post office are ¼ mile from the house.
Brunswick, the closest town to Harpswell, is nine miles north. It is a
typical New England college town with movie theatres, libraries,
restaurants, small shops, etc. A health food store and Farmers Market
provide opportunities to buy provisions and visit with other farmers in
the area.
Tuition, Fees and Dates
Spring Semester: May 15 – August 15, 2013
Fees: $3400 which includes full instructional program, seminars, and room and board.
Click here to download an application form.
Fees: $3400 which includes full instructional program, seminars, and room and board.
Click here to download an application form.
The Spring Semester at Stone Soup promises to be physically demanding, emotionally challenging, spiritually expansive, and intellectually stimulating. We hope that you are ready to stand in a place where our past meets our future and explore the possibilities.
Stone Soup Institute
298 Allen Point Road, Harpswell, ME 04079, USA
Phone: 207-833-2884
E-mail: mail@stone-soup-institute.org